Topic: Corporatization and commercialization

Final Observations of Canadian University Rankings: A Misadventure Now Over Two Decades Long

Stewart Page, Ph.D

In November, 2012, Maclean’s published its  21st annual rankings of Canadian universities. Indeed, the ranking of universities has become a popular exercise […]


Not Another Brick in the Wall: Capitalism and Student Protests in Chile

Andrés Bernasconi

A few days ago, I visited a high school in a poor urban area in Western Santiago and met with the junior […]


Coursera co-founder Daphne Koller

Coursera, or Socrates was not a Content Provider: The University of Toronto and Coursera Agreement

Craig Butosi

The Globe and Mail reported recently that the University of Toronto was the latest signatory to an agreement with Coursera, a Web-based […]


Copyright discourse in the academy: Values, policies, and technology

Tony Horava

The university needs to appreciate better the intertwined relationship between values, policies, and technologies with respect to copyright issues.


Greek Statue that says "Your company logo HERE"

Intellectuals and Democracy

Mark Kingwell

What’s an education for? Philosopher Mark Kingwell analyzes our era’s market-utility responses to this question. He argues, however, that education is about making us better and more engaged citizens, perhaps even better people.


'The Last Professors" - book cover

The Last Professors: A eulogy to “the Last Good Job in America”

Emily Gregor Greenleaf

Frank Donoghue: The Last Professors: The Corporate University and the Fate of the Humanities (Fordham University Press, 2008)


"Academic Callings" - book cover

Chronicles of Faculty Idealism, Disenchantment, and Resistance

Richard Wellen, York University

A collection of the recollections and analyses of long-service academics, who have faced the disenchantment many academics feel, could be a valuable resource for dialogue on our campuses.


Corporate Ladder illustration

The pathway college concept

Nick Falvo

One more step towards corporatizing our universities


Men in suits chasing a dollar symbol at the end of a fishing rod

Higher Education or Education for Hire? Corporatization and the Threat to Democratic Thinking

Joel Westheimer

Teaching critical thinking is the university’s democratic mission, argues the University of Ottawa’s Joel Westheimer, and today’s universities are failing to deliver. Universities need to reverse the trend that has them focusing on workforce preparation and the commercialization of knowledge and resurrect higher education’s public purpose.


Two groups of people on opposite sides of a walkway that leads up to a university building

Class Warriors

William Ayers

Professor William Ayers, banned last year from speaking at the University of Nebraska, argues that the current trend towards “academic capitalism” gives faculty the moment to speak up – and act up.