Topic: Corporatization and commercialization

Man in suit holding a box full of office supplies

The Academic P3 and the University as Virtual Enterprise

Marc Ouellette

In business, writes McMaster University’s Marc Ouellette, the virtual enterprise reduces competition while increasing standardization, an outcome antithetical to academic excellence. But the model is upon us, and that has implications for faculty.


Book covers for "Research and Innovation Policy" and "National Innovation and the Academic Research Enterprize"

Disentangling university research policies

David Trick

G. Bruce Doern and Christopher Stoney (editors). Research and Innovation Policy: Changing Federal Government – University Relations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. David D. Dill and Frans A. Van Vught (editors). National Innovation and the Academic Research Enterprise: Public Policy in Global Perspective. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.


"Tapping the Riches of Science" - book cover

The entrepreneurial university

Nicola C. Hepburn

A look at some institutions are coping with having to balance their traditional commitment to learning, basic research and community outreach with a demanding technology transfer mission. Roger L. Geiger and Creso Sá, Tapping the Riches of Science: Universities and the Promise of Economic Growth (Harvard University Press, 2009)


"Higher Learning, Greater Good" - book cover

The greater good of higher education

Kjell Rubenson

A review of Walter W. McMahon, Higher Learning, Greater Good: The Private and Social Benefits of Higher Education (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009).


"Mission and Money - Understanding the University" - book cover

Definitely not for loss

David Trick

Mission and Money: Understanding the University, by Burton A. Weisbrod, Jeffrey P. Ballou, and Evelyn D. Asch. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008)


Selling the Academy Without Selling Out

Ken Steele

Faculty at Canadian universities are rightly concerned about a number of threats to academic quality and integrity, including the growing ranks of […]


"The Exchange University" - book cover

Grappling with academic capitalism in Canadian universities

Richard Wellen

With the academic culture changing and managerialism threatening collegiality, can academics defect from “corporatization’’ by defining their knowledge as a public good? A review of: The Exchange University: Corporatization of Academic Culture Adrienne S. Chan and Donald Fisher, eds. (UBC Press, 2008)


Making decisions that endure for decades

David Trick

Paulo Santiago, Karine Tremblay, Ester Basri and Elena Arnal. Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society. Volume 1: Special Features: Governance, Funding, Quality; and Volume 2: Special Features: Equity, Innovation, Labour Market, Internationalisation. Paris: OECD, 2008. 728 pages.


The internationalization of higher education: Are we on the right track

Jane Knight

Headlines from recent higher education newspapers paint a colourful picture of some new developments in internationalization—“Ten universities in the United Kingdom, Ireland, […]


Young man sqeezing past a water bottle machine to access a cramped water fountain

Bottled up or tapped out: Where have all the water fountains gone?

Richard Girard and Erika Shaker

Water fountains are disappearing on university campuses. Richard Girard and Erika Shaker trace how this is yet another example of the way commercialization and privatization realigns and redefines priorities in our universities.