Topic: Equity and social justice

"Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters?" - book cover

A fresh look at what counts towards student access and success

Jayne Baker

Ross Finnie, Richard E. Mueller, Arthur Sweetman, and Alex Usher, eds., Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009).


"Recasting race" - book cover

The challenge of identity: The experience of mixed race women in higher education

Yasmin Jiwani

Indra Angeli Dewan, Recasting Race, Women of Mixed Heritage in Further Education (Stoke-on-Trent, UK, and Sterling, USA: Trentham Books, 2008)


Book covers - "Most College Students are Women" and "The Gender Gap in College"

Equity within education

Anne Wagner

Jeanie K. Allen, Diane R. Dean and Susan D. Bracken, eds., Most College Students are Women: Implications for Teaching, Learning, and Policy (Stylus 2008) and Linda J. Sax, The Gender Gap in College: Maximizing the Developmental Potential of Women and Men (John Wiley &Sons 2008)


"Whose university is it, anyway?" - book cover

“Whose university is it, anyway?” A question we need to keep asking

Jennie Hornosty

Whose University Is It, Anyway? Power and Privilege on Gendered Terrain, edited by Anne Wagner, Sandra Acker, and Kimine Mayuzumi (Sumach Press, 2008)


Tâwaw cî?: Aboriginal Faculty, Students, and Content in the University English Department

Jo-Ann Episkenew and Deanna Reder

In a wide-ranging conversation, First Nations University professor Jo-Ann Episkenew and Simon Fraser University professor Deanna Reder discuss the realities and challenges faced by Aboriginal academics and students in Canadian universities.


"The Long Boom" - book cover

The Boomers’ New Frontier

Christopher Dummitt

Jeff Goldsmith, The Long Baby Boom (The John Hopkins University Press 2008)