Topic: Funding

Healthy research ecosystem—healthy researchers? The researcher as an organism of focus within a research ecosystem

Michelle L.A. Nelson and Ross Upshur

The academic research environment is changing and researchers report struggling to adapt in order to be successful. Funding shortfalls are perennial, but […]


The corporatization of the university budget and its consequences for academic support workers

Janice Folk-Dawson

As governments and administrators increasingly run universities like private corporations, academic support workers find their working conditions deteriorating and their jobs threatened. […]


How the “Student Choice Initiative” seeks to silence student voices

Felipe Nagata

For decades, students’ unions have been raising concerns about skyrocketing tuition fees. Now, in an obscene twist, the Ford government is using […]


As public postsecondary funding stagnates, the University of Toronto explores “alternative funding sources”

Mariana Valverde

Universities increasingly rely on student fees and other alternative funding sources to make up for falling levels of government support, but perhaps […]


Universities don’t control the labour market: we shouldn’t fund them like they do

Some people are more employable than others. from From 2020, universities will receive a certain amount of government funding based on […]


Government funding in Australia will be tied to university performance from 2020: what does this mean, and what are the challenges?

“Buildings at University of Sydney – 9”by Ameel Khan is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0  Education minister Dan Tehan met with university […]


Subsidized privilege: The real scandal of American universities

Neil McLaughlin, McMaster University

U.S. federal prosecutors have charged 50 people — 38 of them are parents — for allegedly being involved in fraud schemes to […]


In Canada and US, fossil fuel divestment debates on campus spotlight the societal role of colleges and universities

As a new academic year begins after a summer of deadly heat waves, wildfires, droughts and floods, many college students and faculty are debating whether and how to get involved in climate politics. Climate advocacy has become well established on U.S. campuses over the past decade, in diverse forms. More than 600 colleges and universities have signed the American College and University President’s Climate Commitment. Schools are expanding interdisciplinary teaching and research in environmental studies, sustainability science and climate resilience, and investing in “greening” their campuses. And many activists on campuses around the country are participating in global campaigns like “Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice” and “Keep it in the Ground.”


Editorial Matters: The slow erosion of public university funding

Ben Lewis

Ontario’s public universities are vital institutions that deliver education to thousands of students, produce thought-provoking and groundbreaking research, and provide good jobs […]


The case for publicly funded universities

Graham Cox

Ontario’s universities are important public spaces that depend on robust public funding to thrive. When the structure of the funding model changes, […]