Topic: International issues

Graduate education in the UK: The postgraduate puzzle

Elizabeth Bell

In the UK, graduate education has taken a backseat to undergraduate learning. But as Elizabeth Bell explains, postgraduate programs there face significant challenges.


The MOOC bubble and the attack on public education

Aaron Bady

MOOCs are the hot new educational trend, garnering headlines around the world. But the hype conceals a speculative bubble, a gamble where public higher education has everything to lose and business interests have everything to gain.


Are the Stars Aligned? Will Canada finally create an international education strategy?

Roopa Desai Trilokekar & Glen A. Jones

In its 2011 budget, the Government of Canada announced an allocation of $10 million over a two year period for the development […]


More on bad Ontario/California comparisons

Graeme Stewart

Ken Snowdon has released a paper that echoes our criticisms about Ian Clark’s recent article advocating “California Style”differentiation in Ontario. OCUFA, our […]


The perils of California Dreamin’ in higher education

Graeme Stewart

Writing in the National Post, Ian Clark argues that emulating California’s higher education system will increase the productivity and efficiency of Ontario’s […]


Not Another Brick in the Wall: Capitalism and Student Protests in Chile

Andrés Bernasconi

A few days ago, I visited a high school in a poor urban area in Western Santiago and met with the junior […]


Woman with mouth covered by red tape

A Political Pedagogy, or In Lieu of Dismantling the University

Tyrell Haberkorn

How does the ongoing constriction of academic freedom reverberate in the classroom? If academics cannot take a stand without risking formal or subtle censure, and so choose not to risk, how can we ask students to?


Globe made of puzzle pieces

The Globalization of Higher Education Media: Where Is It Headed?

Karen MacGregor

In an era of globalization, we need to improve global reporting, argues University World News Editor Karen MacGregor. Will this require more collaboration between higher education and higher education media?


Canadian-Chinese Educational Relationship : Looking Back, Around, and Beyond

Qiang Zha

The year 2010 marks the 40th anniversary of the Canadian-Chinese diplomatic relations. I couldn’t help reflect on the Canadian-Chinese educational relationship, and found it evolving along an interesting and unique trajectory.