Universities need to focus on students—not teach to targets—to help them succeed

The pandemic exposed the vulnerability of international students in Canada

Should university instructors disclose mental health conditions? It’s complicated

Editoral Matters: Stress and anxiety in higher education

Ben Lewis

Mental health in academia: The challenges faculty face predate the pandemic and require systemic solutions

Ivy Bourgeault, University of Ottawa; Janet Mantler, Carleton University; & Nicole Power, Memorial University

Creating a culture of care: Addressing student feelings of isolation, stress, and hopelessness

Jesmen Mendoza, X (Ryerson) University

How unions defend their members from psychological hazards

Miriam Edelson

Mental health, grief, loss, and bereavement through COVID-19

Ameil Joseph and Shaila Kumbhare, McMaster University

The shadowy business of international education

Nicholas Hune-Brown

‘You have to suffer for your PhD’: poor mental health among doctoral researchers – new research