
Skipping the Postdoc

Katherine Akers

Dr. Francis Collins, noted geneticist and Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States, recently announced a new program aimed at helping young scientists transition into faculty positions much more quickly than typically possible.


Going Global? A Guide to the Twists and Turns of Global Mobility in Higher Education

Meggan Madden

A review essay of Higher Education on the Move: New Developments in Global Mobility (IIE Books, 2009)


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Book Publishing Today: Not for the Faint of Heart

Nancy McCormack

A writer who took a close and critical look at academic publishing in 2005 turns his attention to trade publishing. And what he sees is even less pretty.


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Using Culture to Understand How the Academy is Governed

Bryan Gopaul

William Tierney’s book, The Impact of Culture on Organizational Decision Making (Stylus 2008), discusses the importance of using a cultural lens on the governance of higher education institutions.


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Being feminist in the academy

Katrina Srigley

Wendy Robbins, Meg Luxton, Margrit Eichler, and Francine Descarries, eds., Minds of Our Own: Inventing Feminist Scholarship and Women’s Studies in Canada and Québec, 1966-76 (Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2008).


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Business as Usual: Elite Universities during the 1930s

Hilary Earl

Resources and intelligence do not necessarily translate into political or moral fortitude. Stephen H. Norwood, The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.


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Plus ça change? Education in the Enlightenment and Now

Mark G. Spencer

Stephen Bygrave, Uses of Education: Reading in Enlightenment in England (Bucknell, 2009) and Mary Hilton and Jill Shefrin, eds, Educating the Child in Enlightenment Britain: Beliefs, Cultures, Practices (Ashgate, 2009).


The Many Shades of Misconduct: Falsifying Academic Credentials

Stephanie Oldford and Charles Ungerleider

In today’s increasingly competitive job market, applicants for faculty and administrative positions in Canadian post-secondary institutions may be tempted to put more than their best foot forward by falsifying academic credentials.


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Engaging Diversity

Julian Weinrib

How can we incorporate issues of diversity into our teaching? Here’s a practical guide Sue Grace and Phil Gravestock, Inclusion and Diversity: Meeting the Needs of All Students (Routledge, 2008)