
"Piracy" - book cover

Against a sea of troubles

Nancy McCormack

Piracy has been a scourge from the earliest days of the printing press, but are today’s cures worse than the disease? A review essay of Adrian Johns’ Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates (University of Chicago Press, 2010). Piracy has been a scourge from the earliest days of the printing press, but are today’s cures worse than the disease?


Back to School sign

Reflections of a Mid-Career Student

Bini Toms

With a doctorate in genetics and plant breeding, I had been working in India as an assistant professor and a scientist in […]


Illustration of runners, with a yellow runner out in front of 4 blue runners

The Big Five Proposal: Why We Shouldn’t Pick Winners

Nick Falvo

Just over a year ago, a debate emerged in Canada over the so-called “Big Five” proposal for Canadian universities. While it succeeded […]


Book covers for "Research and Innovation Policy" and "National Innovation and the Academic Research Enterprize"

Disentangling university research policies

David Trick

G. Bruce Doern and Christopher Stoney (editors). Research and Innovation Policy: Changing Federal Government – University Relations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. David D. Dill and Frans A. Van Vught (editors). National Innovation and the Academic Research Enterprise: Public Policy in Global Perspective. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.


"The Vanishing Physician-Scientist?" - book cover

Are physician-scientists a vanishing breed?

Ross Upshur

Their research builds on the lived experience of patients and the ethical issues created by patient care in a complex, highly technological medical system. What is needed to save them? Andrew. L. Shafer, Vanishing Physician-Scientist? (Cornell University Press, 2009)


"Tapping the Riches of Science" - book cover

The entrepreneurial university

Nicola C. Hepburn

A look at some institutions are coping with having to balance their traditional commitment to learning, basic research and community outreach with a demanding technology transfer mission. Roger L. Geiger and Creso Sá, Tapping the Riches of Science: Universities and the Promise of Economic Growth (Harvard University Press, 2009)


"Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters?" - book cover

A fresh look at what counts towards student access and success

Jayne Baker

Ross Finnie, Richard E. Mueller, Arthur Sweetman, and Alex Usher, eds., Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters? Accessing and Persisting in Post-Secondary Education in Canada (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009).


"Higher Learning, Greater Good" - book cover

The greater good of higher education

Kjell Rubenson

A review of Walter W. McMahon, Higher Learning, Greater Good: The Private and Social Benefits of Higher Education (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009).


"Policy and Performance in American Higher Education" - book cover

A policy maker’s handbook

Mary Catharine Lennon

Richardson, R. and Martinez, M., Policy and Performance in American Higher Education: An Examination of Cases Across State Systems (Baltimore, Maryland: The John Hopkins University Press, 2009).


"Mission and Money - Understanding the University" - book cover

Definitely not for loss

David Trick

Mission and Money: Understanding the University, by Burton A. Weisbrod, Jeffrey P. Ballou, and Evelyn D. Asch. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008)